Lapkričio mėnesio „Laikai vaikams“

Sveiki! Išleistas lapkričio mėnesio „Laikai vaikams“ numeris. Tikimės, rasite sau naudingos informacijos. Gero skaitymo!

Praeitų numerių archyvą rasite čia.

„Laikai vaikams“ – tai internetinis laikraštėlis, kurio tikslas yra supažindinti išeivijos jaunimą su šių laikų Lietuva. Jis yra leidžiamas JAV Švietimo tarybos ir prieinamas adresu

Interested in learning Lithuanian language?




The Lithuanian Educational Council of the USA is offering a long-distance learning program on 9 January, 2021. You can learn Lithuanian language without leaving the comfort of your home!

How does this work?

You will need a computer, an internet and a microphone. Classes will take place via Zoom program. During the live streaming class, an instructor will explain Lithuanian grammar, answer the questions, students will have some time to interact and practice Lithuanian. These classes will be recorded and accessible later along with grammar summary, exercises, homework on the website. Students will be asked to purchase a textbook. For more information about the textbook please contact us at

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