Lietuvių kalbos mokymai

JAV LB Švietimo taryba kviečia suaugusius, norinčius mokytis lietuvių kalbos, į nuotolinius užsiėmimus. Baigusiems mokymo kursą bus išduoti pažymėjimai. Užsiėmimai prasidės šių metų rugpjūčio 29 d., pamokos vyks šeštadieniais, pradžia – 9 val. Central Daylight Time (CDT) (laikas ir diena gali keistis pagal studentų pageidavimą)

Jus mokys mokytoja Daiva Litvinskaitė, Ph.D.

Reikalinga registracija, pirma klasė – nemokama. Daugiau informacijos rasite

Interested in learning the Lithuanian language?

We now offer a “long distance” program. You can learn the Lithuanian language without leaving the comfort of home. Lithuanian Educational Council of the USA invites all who wish to study the Lithuanian language, no matter where you live, to register now.

How does this work? You will need a computer, internet and a microphone. Lessons are individualized and provided by arranged time. All the lessons are located on our website. The first sample lesson is free Lessons are designed to recreate a live classroom situation with the use of the computer and microphone. When you use “Share your screen” mode, it looks like you are looking at a classroom blackboard. Finishing the course you will receive a certificate of completion including hours attended and level of achievement attained.

Lithuanian language classes will start on 29 August. First class is free. Classes will be held on Saturdays at 9:00 am Central Daylight Time (CDT) (or a bit later if majority of class cannot connect) for one hour live streaming classes. Daiva Litvinskaitė,Ph.D will be your teacher.

These classes will be recorded and accessible later. All other class related information you will find on our website.

All students have to register online in order to participate and see/download class material.