The Lithuanian Education Council offers this course for adults who are willing to learn Lithuanian language, culture, heritage, and more. We offer courses for beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners. Our teachers are professional educators from Lithuania and the USA. During the live streaming class, an instructor will explain Lithuanian grammar, answer the questions; students will interact and practice Lithuanian. These classes will be recorded and accessible later along with grammar summary, exercises, homework on the website.
The courses are held via Zoom every Saturday except Holidays.
Time of class: Saturday at 9 or 10 am CST (depending which language level).
Tuition for one semester (August 27, 2022-December 17, 2022) is $200 (if paid by check) and $205.50 (if paid via PayPal). Tuition for two semesters is $400 (if paid by check) and $ 411 (if paid via PayPal).
Checks may be sent to this address:
Lithuanian Education Council
Kristina Petraitienė
1425 Carleton Ave.
Naperville, IL 60565
For more information about the courses or textbook please contact us at
Registration for the 1 semester is opened from July 15, 2021 until September 1, 2021.
To join, please visit this link:
Any registration after this date will not be accepted until the winter semester.
The Lithuanian Education Council.